AHFS Drug Information 2021

AHFS Drug Information® 2021 contains the most trustworthy drug information available—all in one place. It is the most comprehensive evidence-based source of drug information complete with therapeutic guidelines and off-label uses.

Updates in the 2021 Edition include:

Drug information for COVID-19-related treatments, including use of antiviral agents such as remdesivir and lopinavir/ritonavir, SARS-CoV-2-specific monoclonal antibodies (e.g., bamlanivimab), as well as use of supporting agents such as corticosteroids, immune globulin, nitric oxide, and tocilizumab
Updated information on drugs commonly used for ICU sedation in critically ill patients with COVID-19, including propofol, dexmedetomidine, and midazolam and alternative drugs such as ketamine considered in potential drug shortage situations
Latest oncology therapies for the treatment of cancers associated with activating gene mutations and oncogenic gene fusions
Breakthroughs in oncology approved under the FDA’s accelerated approval program
New information on non-oncology off-label uses
Complete List of 2021 Updates

Benefits that are unique to AHFS® DI® include:

The only print compendium designated by the U.S. Congress
The only compendium published by a professional and scientific society
The only reference that has been trusted by pharmacists and other healthcare professionals for over 60 years.

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AHFS Drug Information 2023

AHFS Drug Information® 2023 contains the most trustworthy drug information available—all in one place. It is the most comprehensive evidence-based source of drug information complete with therapeutic guidelines and off-label uses.

Updates in the 2023 Edition include:

Drug information for COVID-19-related treatments, including use of antiviral agents such as remdesivir and lopinavir/ritonavir, SARS-CoV-2-specific monoclonal antibodies (e.g., bamlanivimab), as well as use of supporting agents such as corticosteroids, immune globulin, nitric oxide, and tocilizumab
Updated information on drugs commonly used for ICU sedation in critically ill patients with COVID-19, including propofol, dexmedetomidine, and midazolam and alternative drugs such as ketamine considered in potential drug shortage situations
Latest oncology therapies for the treatment of cancers associated with activating gene mutations and oncogenic gene fusions
Breakthroughs in oncology approved under the FDA’s accelerated approval program
New information on non-oncology off-label uses
Complete List of 2023 Updates

Benefits that are unique to AHFS® DI® include:

The only print compendium designated by the U.S. Congress
The only compendium published by a professional and scientific society
The only reference that has been trusted by pharmacists and other healthcare professionals for over 60 years.

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American Herbal Pharmacopoeia. Botanical Pharmacognosy

American Herbal Pharmacopoeia Botanical Pharmacognosy, CRC Press, Roy Upton, Alison Graff, Georgina Jolliffe, USA, F

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Clarke’s Analysis of Drugs and Poisons Volume 1 & 2

Completely updated and enlarged to three volumes, the second edition of Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms: Parenteral Medications examines every important aspect of sterile drug products. Vol 1 & 2. Offers comprehensive coverage of formulation and product development.

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Farmacopea Alemana 2023

The German Pharmacopoeia (DAB) is part of the pharmacopoeia according to § 55 of the German Medicines Act (AMG). It only contains rules at national level, which are therefore not included in the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.).

The DAB 2022 will enter into force on 1 October 2022. The printed edition is a loose-leaf work with supplementary deliveries published once a year.

Content: General part:
Preface, Introduction, General Instructions for the Use of the Pharmacopoeia, Descriptions of General Test Methods and Reagents
Special Part: Monographs with definitions, test methods and storage and labelling requirements

The Pharmacopoeia consists of three parts: The German Pharmacopoeia (DAB), the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.) and the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB). It aims to check the quality of medicines to ensure safe use. It establishes unified, common rules applicable to the national pharmacopoeias HAB and DAB in Germany, for the Ph. Eur. in the European area.

According to the German Medicines Act, the pharmacopoeia is a “collection of recognised pharmaceutical rules on the quality, testing, storage, dispensing and designation of medicinal products and the substances used in their manufacture” published by the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) in agreement with the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) and the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). (§ 55 AMG). It also contains rules for the nature of containers and wrappings.
The recognized pharmaceutical rules described in monographs and other texts of the pharmacopoeia correspond to the current state of scientific knowledge.


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Farmacopea Alemana homeopática 2023

Homeopathy is a mainstay of complementary medicine. Homeopathic medicines are becoming increasingly important. Just like conventional medicines, homeopathic medicines are carefully tested for identity, purity and content, in short for quality. The test specifications for this can be found in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB). Therefore, this work is indispensable for anyone who produces, tests, registers, supervises, prescribes or dispenses homeopathic remedies such as:

Pharmaceutical manufacturers of homeopathic medicines
Registration and monitoring authorities
Doctors of Homeopathy
Naturopaths and Homeopaths
The loose-leaf works are updated annually. The HAB 2022 will enter into force on 1 October 2022.

The HAB contains descriptions of general analytical procedures, reagents, excipients, excipients and manufacturing instructions, also for organ preparations, homeopathy, anthroposophy, spagyrics and spagirics as well as around 600 monographs. The analytical methods are based on the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). Also the monographs are as in the Ph. Eur. but contain additional manufacturing and testing instructions for the dosage forms.

Along with the German Pharmacopoeia (DAB) and the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.), the HAB is one of the three parts of the Pharmacopoeia. The aim of the pharmacopoeia is to check the quality of medicinal products in order to ensure safe use.

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Farmacopea Británica (Edición 2021)

 Las dos farmacopeas que tienen estatus legal dentro del Reino Unido son la Farmacopea Británica (BP), que incluye la BP (Veterinaria) y la Farmacopea Europea (Ph. Eur.). BP proporciona la única colección completa de estándares oficiales autorizados para sustancias farmacéuticas y medicamentos del Reino Unido y se publica todos los años en agosto entra en vigencia el 1 de enero del año siguiente e incorpora todas las monografías y textos del Ph. Eur.

La BP es una herramienta de referencia vital para todas las personas y organizaciones involucradas en la industria farmacéutica:
* Investigación
* Desarrollo
* Fabricación
* Control de calidad y análisis

La BP incluye:

* Avisos generales (que brindan información general aplicable a todos los textos)
* Monografías generales (se aplican a todas las formas de dosificación)
* Monografías específicas que proporcionan normas obligatorias para:
* Ingredientes farmacéuticos activos
* Excipientes
* Preparaciones formuladas (productos con licencia y sin licencia)
* Medicamentos a base de hierbas, medicamentos a base de hierbas y medicamentos a base de plantas
* Materiales para su uso en la fabricación de preparados homeopáticos
* Productos relacionados con la sangre
* Productos inmunológicos
* Preparados radiofarmacéuticos
* Espectros de referencia infrarroja
* Apéndices
* Capítulos suplementarios (proporcionar orientación adicional)
* Indice comprensivo

Farmacopea Británica (Veterinaria)

La BP (Veterinary) se publica como un volumen complementario a la Farmacopea Británica. Contiene normas para sustancias y productos utilizados exclusivamente en la práctica de la medicina veterinaria en el Reino Unido.
La BP (Vet) también incorpora monografías y textos de la Farmacopea Europea.

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Farmacopea Británica (Edición 2023)

 Las dos farmacopeas que tienen estatus legal dentro del Reino Unido son la Farmacopea Británica (BP), que incluye la BP (Veterinaria) y la Farmacopea Europea (Ph. Eur.). BP proporciona la única colección completa de estándares oficiales autorizados para sustancias farmacéuticas y medicamentos del Reino Unido y se publica todos los años en agosto entra en vigencia el 1 de enero del año siguiente e incorpora todas las monografías y textos del Ph. Eur.

La BP es una herramienta de referencia vital para todas las personas y organizaciones involucradas en la industria farmacéutica:
* Investigación
* Desarrollo
* Fabricación
* Control de calidad y análisis

La BP incluye:

* Avisos generales (que brindan información general aplicable a todos los textos)
* Monografías generales (se aplican a todas las formas de dosificación)
* Monografías específicas que proporcionan normas obligatorias para:
* Ingredientes farmacéuticos activos
* Excipientes
* Preparaciones formuladas (productos con licencia y sin licencia)
* Medicamentos a base de hierbas, medicamentos a base de hierbas y medicamentos a base de plantas
* Materiales para su uso en la fabricación de preparados homeopáticos
* Productos relacionados con la sangre
* Productos inmunológicos
* Preparados radiofarmacéuticos
* Espectros de referencia infrarroja
* Apéndices
* Capítulos suplementarios (proporcionar orientación adicional)
* Indice comprensivo

Farmacopea Británica (Veterinaria)

La BP (Veterinary) se publica como un volumen complementario a la Farmacopea Británica. Contiene normas para sustancias y productos utilizados exclusivamente en la práctica de la medicina veterinaria en el Reino Unido.
La BP (Vet) también incorpora monografías y textos de la Farmacopea Europea.

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